What inspired you on Women's Day 2021? - Economics News

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What inspired you on Women's Day 2021?

 Hyderabad Metro Rail thrives on women power

Around 65 loco pilots driving change in heavily male-dominated domain.

They are the best examples from Hyderabad that there is nothing a woman cannot do. From storming what was for centuries a male bastion in 2017, these women loco pilots of the Hyderabad Metro Rail have proved they can do more than just drive a train.

As celebrations are already on for International Women’s Day, we bring you the story of around 65 women who steer the Hyderabad Metro Rail every day, proving naysayers wrong each day.

A typical day of a woman train operator shows how a woman wears many hats, effortlessly. For 24-year-old Pooja Duburka, the day starts at 6 am. She broke the infamous glass ceiling twice. First was when she joined Mechanical Engineering, a hugely male-dominated field and then, by making waves on the Metro tracks. She has logged in over 50,000 km in the last 24 months.

“Some people stare at us as if we are aliens while some cheer us. Initially, many said I will not survive in this field for long. It is common for any woman to face the heat whenever she decides to step into a male bastion. I’m glad that I took this step,” Pooja says.

It was not easy for these women to get selected. Gruelling psychometric tests, research designs, several technical rounds and medical tests later, they had to undergo three months of intense training, including backbreaking sessions on simulators.

The Hyderabad Metro Rail has always offered full support, says Kola Sravani. “There are proper systems to ensure the safety of every woman. In case we have an issue, we can raise the grievance to our higher official.”

In a society where women are often ridiculed for their driving skills, Pooja says, “Women are now driving trains, and I am proud to be one among them.”
